Liquid fluoride thorium reactor

The liquid fluoride thorium reactor (acronym LFTR; spoken as lifter) is a thermal breeder reactor which uses the thorium fuel cycle in a fluoride-based molten (liquid) salt fuel to achieve high operating temperatures at atmospheric pressure.

The LFTR is a type of thorium molten salt reactor (TMSR). Molten-salt-fueled reactors (MSFRs) such as LFTR, where the nuclear fuel itself is in the form of liquid molten salt mixture, should not be confused with only molten-salt-cooled but solid-fueled reactors.

This technology was first investigated at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment in the 1960s. It has been recently investigated by Japan, China, the UK, and private US and Australian interests. Flibe Energy aims to develop a small modular reactor version using liquid FLiBe salt.



By 1946, only eight years after the discovery of nuclear fission, three fissile isotopes had been publicly identified for use as nuclear fuel:[1][2]

Th-232, U-235 and U-238 are primordial nuclides, having existed in their current form for over 4.5 billion years, predating the formation of the Earth; they were forged in the cores of dying stars through the r-process and scattered across the galaxy by supernovas.[4] Their radioactive decay produces about half of the earth's internal heat.[5]

For technical reasons (outlined in a section below), the three are each best suited to different reactor types. U-235 is the world's primary nuclear fuel and is usually used in light water reactors. U-238/Pu-239 has found the most use in liquid sodium fast breeder reactors. Th-232/U-233 is best suited to molten salt reactors (MSR).[3]

Alvin M. Weinberg pioneered the use of the MSR at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The Aircraft Reactor Experiment in 1954 and Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment from 1965 to 1969 both used liquid fluoride salts; the latter notably demonstrated the use of U-233 as a fuel source.[6] Unfortunately for MSR research, Weinberg was fired and the MSR program closed down in the early 1970s,[7] after which research stagnated in the United States.[8][9]

The following reasons are cited as responsible for the program cancellation in January 1973:

1. The political and technical support for the program in the United States was too thin geographically. Within the United States, only in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, was the technology really understood and appreciated.

2. The MSR program was in competition with the fast breeder program at the time, which got an early start and had copious government development funds being spent in many parts of the United States. When the MSR development program had progressed far enough to justify a greatly expanded program leading to commercial development, the AEC could not justify the diversion of substantial funds from the LMFBR to a competing program.[10]

Two versus Single fluid

Two concepts were investigated at Oak Ridge, the "two fluid" and "single fluid" thorium thermal breeder molten salt reactors:

Two Fluid Reactor

The "two fluid" reactor has a high-neutron-density core that burns uranium-233 from the thorium fuel cycle. A separate blanket of thorium salt absorbs the neutrons and eventually is transmuted to 233U fuel.[11]

The advantage of the two-fluid design is a simplified chemical system to process the salts. In particular, protactinium-233 is separated from the thorium blanket in a two step process that uses bismuth and fluorination. Protactinium 233 has a 27 day half-life, and decays to the needed fuel, U233. So 10 months after the Protactinium is chemically separated from the salt, it is 99.9% U233. The kernel's salt is also purified, first by fluorination to remove uranium, then vacuum distillation to remove and reuse light-atomic-weight carrier salts. The still bottoms left after the distillation are the fission products of the waste.

The design weakness of the two-fluid design was its complex plumbing. The design used brittle graphite pipes to hold the fuel salt. The pipes separated the fuel salt and breeding salt, so they were essential. The problem is that graphite expands under intense neutron bombardment. So, graphite pipes would change length, crack and become very leaky. Graphite was the only known substance that combined the needed properties: It is not dissolved by the salt, it must survive the neutron bombardment, it must not absorb a lot of neutrons, it must survive at very high temperatures, and it must be tough enough not to crack. Zirconium alloys would work, except they dissolve in the salt. In modern research, copper-reinforced graphite fiber cloth seems theoretically suitable, but no physical tests have been done.[12] At the time, no solution was known, so this type of reactor was never constructed.[13]

The recovery of high-purity Uranium 233 has been raised as a potential nuclear proliferation concern.[14](p99) Most LFTR advocates thus prefer a design with no Pa separation and a breeding ratio ~1.0, not presenting the risk of U-233 separation and ensuring that any U-233 is contaminated with U-232 whose decay chain emits 2 MeV gamma rays too hazardous for weapons workers.

Single Fluid Reactor

The "single fluid" reactor was mechanically much simpler, and was actually prototyped (as the MSRE, above.) It was a large tank filled with salt. The moderator was graphite rods immersed in the salt. The engineers discovered that by carefully sculpting the moderator rods (to get neutron densities similar to a core and blanket), and modifying the fuel reprocessing chemistry, both thorium and uranium salts could coexist in a simpler, less expensive yet efficient "one fluid" reactor.[15] The MSRE provided valuable long-term operating experience.

The disadvantage was that the reprocessing chemistry was much more complex. No simple combination of distillation and fluorination (simple, proven methods) could separate the fission products (the nuclear ashes) from the fuels.

The power reactor design produced by Weinberg's research group was similar to the MSRE. This was because the MSRE was designed to test the design of the risky, hot, high-neutron-density "kernel" part of the two fluid "kernel and blanket" thorium breeder (see above).


Thorium-fueled molten salt reactor offers many potential advantages:[16]


Economy and efficiency

Kirk Sorensen expects that with these advantages, LFTR technology will produce energy significantly cheaper than coal; he comments that this would make moot both carbon pricing schemes and more expensive alternative energy solutions[20] In remarks prepared for the Low-Carbon Energy Summit on 20 October 2011, Sorensen stated that "The most important thing that we can do to fight climate change is to replace coal as our primary source of electricity" and advocated the LFTR as an "even less expensive" replacement.[21] The ultimate goal is to "provide electricity for less cost than any other competing solution" which Sorensen thinks will "eventually get to 1 cent per kilowatt hour using this technology"[22][23]

Ease of reprocessing

A molten salt reactor's fuel can be continuously reprocessed with a small adjacent chemical plant. Weinberg's groups at Oak Ridge National Laboratory found that a very small reprocessing facility can service a large 1 GW power plant: All the salt has to be reprocessed, but only every ten days. The reactor's total inventory of expensive, poisonous radioactive materials is therefore much smaller than in a conventional light-water-reactor's fuel cycle, which has to store spent fuel rod assemblies. Also, everything except fuel and waste stays inside the plant. The reprocessing cycle is:

The amount of waste involved is about 800 kg per gigawatt-year generated (1.5 grams/minute for a 1 GW reactor), so the equipment is very small. Salts of long-lived transuranic metals go back into the reactor as fuel. With salt distillation, an MSFR can burn plutonium, or even fluorinated nuclear waste from light water reactors.


Design challenges

Recent developments

The Fuji MSR

The FUJI MSR is a 100 to 200 MWe molten-salt-fueled thorium fuel cycle thermal breeder reactor design, using technology similar to the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Reactor. It is being developed by a consortium including members from Japan, the U.S. and Russia. As a breeder reactor, it converts thorium into nuclear fuels.[33] As a thermal-spectrum reactor, its neutron regulation is inherently safe. Like all molten salt reactors, its core is chemically inert, under low pressures to prevent explosions and toxic releases.[34] It would likely take 20 years to develop a full size reactor[35] but the project seems to lack funding.[36]

Chinese Thorium MSR project

The People’s Republic of China has initiated a research and development project in thorium molten-salt reactor technology.[37] It was formally announced at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) annual conference in January 2011. Its ultimate target is to investigate and develop a thorium based molten salt nuclear system in about 20 years.[38][39][40]

Flibe Energy

Kirk Sorensen, former NASA scientist and Chief Nuclear Technologist at Teledyne Brown Engineering, has been a long time promoter of thorium fuel cycle and particularly liquid fluoride thorium reactors. He first researched thorium reactors while working at NASA, while evaluating power plant designs suitable for lunar colonies. Material about this fuel cycle was surprisingly hard to find, so in 2006 Sorensen started "", a document repository, forum, and blog to promote this technology. In 2011, Sorensen founded Flibe Energy, a company aimed to develop 20-50 MW LFTR reactor designs to power military bases. (it is easier to approve novel military designs than civilian power station designs in today's US nuclear regulatory environment).[41][42][43][44]

Small modular design

Kirk Sorensen of Flibe Energy, presenting at the 2011 Thorium Energy Conference, described how various factors influence design for small modular reactors.[45]

Neutron temperature requirements matter on two fronts. Primarily is fuel choice:

Second is the amount of fissile material needed in the reactor. Fast spectrum neutrons deal with a much smaller nuclear cross section, meaning that for any given distance, they are less likely to be absorbed by a fissile or breedable nucleus than thermal spectrum neutrons. This drives up the minimum fissile inventory for a given power level.

Operating Temperature has two basic ranges. "Moderate" is defined as 250-350 C, and is comparable to conventional Light Water Reactor and fossil plant temperature ranges. "High" is defined as 700-1000 C, which provides greater efficiency due to the higher temperature gradient with ambient, but provides challenges for material selection.

Operating Pressure can be anywhere between "Atmospheric" and "High" pressure (15.5 MPa (153 atm) for a Pressurized water reactor is considered high). These ranges are related to coolant type.

Here are four examples among the proposed small modular reactor designs, one for each temperature/pressure combination:

Various conclusions about the three fuels and possible reactor types are then drawn:

Higher temperature reactors can operate at higher thermal efficiency (e.g. with Brayton cycle turbines), which is desirable. High turbine pressure is a safety concern, as the proposed turbines - using Supercritical carbon dioxide - would need to operate at over 20 MPa (195 atm). The safety concern is more industrial than radiological, however, as turbine systems are generally not built close enough to their heat generators to be a risk to them.

The main drawback of U-235 is its scarcity. Even so, most currently operating reactors use it in water-cooled reactors. Gas-based concepts (e.g. PBMR, VHTR, GT-MHR) are also feasible.

The liquid metal coolants used are poor neutron moderators, thus such systems strongly favor U-238/Pu-239 usage; adding moderators to enable use with U-235 or Th-232/U-233 would be "feasible but unattractive". Conversely, water is a good moderator and this rules out exclusive plutonium breeding in such systems. Gas-cooled systems with U-238/Pu-239 (Gas Cooled Fast Breeder Reactor (GCFR) and EM2 concepts) are described as feasible but with difficult fuel processing, while molten salt systems with U-238/Pu-239 (e.g. MSFR) are only "somewhat feasible."

Sorensen notes that while Th-232/U-233 was used in a water-cooled reactor at the Shippingport Atomic Power Station and a gas-cooled reactor at the Fort St. Vrain Generating Station, thorium dioxide fuel is "very difficult to process," making Th-232/U-233 unattractive for all systems except liquid salt, e.g. where thorium and uranium fluorides are used instead.

In Sorenson's opinion, the LFTR design combines the desirable characteristics of abundant fuel supply, high operating temperature, atmospheric operating pressure and simple fuel processing.

The Weinberg Foundation

The Weinberg Foundation is a British non-profit organisation founded in 2011 dedicated to promotion and development of a liquid fluoride thorium reactor. It was formally launched at the House of Lords on 8 September 2011.[48][49][50]

See also



  1. ^ UP (29 September 1946). "Atomic Energy 'Secret' Put into Language That Public Can Understand". Pittsburgh Press. Retrieved 18 October 2011. 
  2. ^ UP (21 October 1946). "Third Nuclear Source Bared". The Tuscaloosa News. Retrieved 18 October 2011. 
  3. ^ a b c Hargraves, Robert; Moir, Ralph (July 2010). "Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors". American Scientist 98 (4): 304–313. doi:10.1511/2010.85.304. 
  4. ^ Synthesis of heavy elements
  5. ^ The KamLAND Collaboration (2011-07-17). "Partial radiogenic heat model for Earth revealed by geoneutrino measurements". Nature Geoscience 4: 647–651. doi:10.1038/ngeo1205. 
  6. ^ Rosenthal, M.; Briggs, R.; Haubenreich, P., Molten-Salt Reactor Program: Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending August 31, 1971, ORNL-4728, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 
  7. ^ H. G. MacPherson (1985-08-01). "The Molten Salt Reactor Adventure". Nuclear Science and Engineering 90: 374–380. 
  8. ^ Weinberg, Alvin (1997). The First Nuclear Era: The Life and Times of a Technological Fixer. Springer. ISBN 978-1563963582. Retrieved 12 November 2011. 
  9. ^ "ORNL: THE FIRST 50 YEARS--CHAPTER 6: RESPONDING TO SOCIAL NEEDS". Retrieved 12 November 2011. 
  10. ^
  11. ^ a b Hargraves, Robert; Moir, Ralph (January 2011). "Liquid Fuel Nuclear Reactors". Forum on Physics & Society (American Physical Society) 41 (1): 6–10. 
  12. ^ Energy from thorium discussion group, reactor design discussions near 2008.
  13. ^ Robertson, R.C.; Briggs, R.B.; Smith, O.L.; Bettis, E.S., Two-Fluid Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor Design Study (Status as of January 1, 1968), ORNL-4528, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 
  14. ^ a b J. R. Engel, etal. (1980). Conceptual design characteristics of a denatured molten-salt reactor with once-through fueling. ORNL/TM-7207. Oak Ridge National Lab, TN. 
  15. ^ Rosenthal, M. W.; Kasten, P. R.; Briggs, R. B. (1970). "Molten Salt Reactors - History, Status, and Potential". Nuclear Applications and Technology 8. 
  16. ^ Section 5.3, WASH 1097 "The Use of Thorium in Nuclear Power Reactors", available as a PDF from Liquid-Halide Reactor Documents Accessed 11/23/09
  17. ^ Thorium Fuel Cycle, AEC Symposium Series, 12, USAEC, Feb. 1968
  18. ^ a b David Sylvain, etal (March–April 2007). "Revisiting the thorium-uranium nuclear fuel cycle". Europhysics News 38 (2): 24–27. doi:10.1051/EPN:2007007. 
  19. ^
  20. ^ Kirk Sorensen: Thorium Could Be Our Energy "Silver Bullet" MP3 (first 38 min)
  21. ^ Flibe Energy presentation at LCES-2011 in China and powerpoint file of slides
  22. ^
  23. ^ Note for comparison: Electric Power Monthly (Oct. 2011) states that "The average retail price of electricity for July 2011 was 10.58 cents per kilowatthour (kWh)"
  24. ^ a b from Thorium blog->Reactor Design->Graphite and Two-Fluid vs. One-Fluid LFRs Viewed 6/2007
  25. ^
  26. ^ LeBlanc, David (2010). "Molten salt reactors: A new beginning for an old idea". Nuclear Engineering and Design (Elsevier) 240 (6). doi:10.1016/j.nucengdes.2009.12.033. 
  27. ^ ORNL-4548: Molten-Salt Reactor Program: Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending February 28, 1970, p. 57
  28. ^ Rodriguez-Vieitez, E.; Lowenthal, M. D.; Greenspan, E.; Ahn, J. (2002-10-07). "Optimization of a Molten-Salt Transmuting Reactor". PHYSOR 2002. Seoul, Korea. 
  29. ^ W.D. Manely et al. (1960). Metallurgical Problems in Molten Fluoride Systems. Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol. 2, pp. 164–179
  30. ^ R. W. Moir, etal. (2002) (Application under Solicitation), Deep-Burn Molten-Salt Reactors, LAB NE 2002-1, Department of Energy, Nuclear Energy Research Initiative, 
  31. ^ National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Remediation of Buried and Tank Wastes. Molten Salt Panel (1997). Evaluation of the U.S. Department of Energy's alternatives for the removal and disposition of molten salt reactor experiment fluoride salts. National Academies Press. p. 15. ISBN 0309056845. 
  32. ^ Forsberg, C.; Beahm, E.; Rudolph, J. (1996-12-02). "Direct Conversion of Halogen-Containing Wastes to Borosilicate Glass". Symposium II Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XX. 465. Boston, Massachusetts: Materials Research Society. pp. 131-137. 
  33. ^ Fuji MSR pp. 821–856, Jan 2007 20MB PDF
  34. ^ FUJI Reactor, in the MSR article of the Encyclopedia of the Earth
  35. ^ Fuji Molten salt reactor, December 19, 2007
  36. ^ Fuji Molten Salt reactor, Ralph Moir Interviews and other nuclear news, March 19, 2008
  37. ^ Martin, Richard (2011-02-01), "China Takes Lead in Race for Clean Nuclear Power", Wired Science, 
  38. ^
  39. ^
  40. ^
  41. ^
  42. ^
  43. ^
  44. ^
  45. ^ Presenting at ThEC2011 and powerpoint file of slides
  46. ^ Westinghouse SMR
  47. ^ Westinghouse announces Small Modular Reactor
  48. ^
  49. ^
  50. ^

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